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Custom Recombinant Protein Production




Required Information

  • Full name of the protein, NCBI or Uniprot ID
  • Amino acid sequence of the protein
  • Functional role of the protein (if known)
  • Expected application: Research, diagnostic, etc.
  • Requirement for purity and concentration of the protein
  • Other requirements: label, etc.


  • The protein sequence is analyzed and appropriate codon usage is ensured.
  • A protein expression vector is selected and cloned.
  • Transformed into E. coli cells.
  • Protein expression is induced and purified.
  • The protein is characterized, and purity and concentration are determined.

Quality Control

  • SDS-PAGE electrophoresis
  • Protein concentration measurement


  • 4-6 weeks (depending on the complexity of the protein)

Provided Products

  • Purified protein, 10-50 mg
  • Protein characterization report


  • Please contact us for pricing information.


  • Different vectors and expression systems are available for protein expression.
  • We also offer protein labeling and modification services.
  • For more information, please contact us.

Please note: The above information provides a general overview. Please contact us for specific requirements. Prices may vary depending on the complexity of the project and the required amount of protein. Your privacy and intellectual property rights are important to us. All your information will be kept confidential.


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